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Healing in the Deep Ocean of Grief
"Grief can hold our heads beneath the waves, but, as Bryan Welch writes, its tides can also open us to compassion for ourselves and...
4 Tips to bring the mourning process into your organisation
Trends by Stefanie Schillmöller and her research in Good Grief The need for a space for mourning slowly seeps into to various levels of...
Oceana explores the expression of grief through the body
Oceana Sawyer explores new ways to use the expression of grief through the body.
Surrendering to your sorrow has the power to heal the deepest of wounds
In this article Sobunfu Somé speaks about embracing grief and how surrendering to our sorrow has the power to heal the deepest of wounds.
Words by Sadhguru: Living Death, an invitation to become more intimate with life’s only certainty
In Sadhguru’s last years beautiful New Years article he speaks about Living Death. He gives us an important reminder and an invitation to...
Grieving Over My Lost Parent, a Journey of 20 Years
It has been 20 years ago since Eva lost her father due to leukemia. She describes the grief of her deceased father as a journey of 20 years.
Giving life to death. What death has taught me
There are so many great lessons to be learned from death. What it has taught me is that death that death is not the opposite of life.
Repost: Elizabeth Gilbert on talking to our lost loved ones
In 2018 Elizabeth Gilbert lost her best friend and life partner. On Instagram, as well as other media platforms, she inspires us how she...
In nature lies the lesson of change
Musings about life and death. By Fenja By looking into nature we can see the lesson of dynamic change-ness permeating life. The same view...
The birth of deyja
Unknowingly, the instagram message below which I wrote a few years ago, set off the creation of this online space. The loss of my big...
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