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Met zorg gekozen content over de dood, verlies en verdriet
Jan Geurtz, met pijnlijke emoties zijn
Dit is een begeleide meditatie waarin je kunt leren om op een andere manier naar je pijnlijke emoties te kijken en deze te verbinden met...
Opening to full aliveness by Tara Brach
A guided meditation by Tara Brach: opening to full aliveness. This meditation includes relaxing and awakening through the body, widening...
Reflections on suffering
Ram Dass leads you through a series of reflections on suffering – suffering in this world, suffering others have caused us, suffering we...
Guided Soma Meditation by Ram Dass
Ram Dass leads a meditation where you are breathing out through the top of your head, bouncing back and forth between form and formless, the
Encountering Grief: A 10-Minute Guided Meditation with Joan Halifax
Roshi Joan Halifax, Ph.D., is a Buddhist teacher, Zen priest, anthropologist, and pioneer in the field of end-of-life care. In this...
Contemplation: dealing with life's great challenges and changes
"The secret of the universe" is about how we can accept pain and loss in our lives. A simple but powerful tool to find surrender.
Podcast: Letting Grief Open Us to Grace
Psychotherapist Francis Weller joins philosopher Terry patten in a conversation about grief and the importance of ritual in time of loss
TEDx Talk: How to turn loss into inspiration
In this TEDx Talk George Kohlrieser, asks us: What is the worst loss you have experienced in your life?
Video: Alan Watts, going into death with eyes wide open
“Going into death with eyes wide open” is a discourse from the famous Zen Philosopher Alan Watts
Video: how to be with somebody who dies. Ram Dass speaks about death and dying.
“Being with a passing loved one” is an answer from the spiritual teacher Ram Dass to the question of how to be with somebody who dies
Meditation: Honoring Life
One way to deal with death, is to honor life. The podcasts and guided meditations of Live Awake can be soothing life-deepening...
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