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Met zorg gekozen content over de dood, verlies en verdriet
Life is the art of dying
"If you scratch beneath the surface, you will find that many of your anxieties, worries, and fears are associated with death and dying....
Turning grief around
Just turn the question around. And see what's there. You might discover insights, answers, And who knows, even magic.
Grief paradoxes
Grief paradoxes
Missing you
Every tone. Every tendril. @oh.goodgrief
Take it day by day
Just take it day by day. @minna_so
Maybe death isn't darkness
“I thought: maybe death isn’t darkness, after all, but so much light wrapping itself around us— as soft as feathers— that we are...
Rethinking funeral traditions
Rethinking our Western traditions around death, grief and loss. The great shaman from Burkina Faso @malidoma_patrice_some says: “I have...
The hardest thing in life
By Storydj
Een ontmoeting met rouw: Een korte meditatie (10 min) met Joan Halifax
Roshi Joan Halifax is een leraar in boeddhisme, een zen priester, antropoloog en pionier op het gebied van zorg rondom de dood. In deze...
Encountering Grief: A 10-Minute Guided Meditation with Joan Halifax
Roshi Joan Halifax, Ph.D., is a Buddhist teacher, Zen priest, anthropologist, and pioneer in the field of end-of-life care. In this...
Video: Mooji over verlies en verdriet en waarom we daar vaak aan willen ontsnappen
Mooji leest een brief voor van iemand die onlangs haar partner heeft verloren. Ze ervaart gevoelens van verdriet en de wens om simpelweg...
Video: Mooji on feelings of grief and the wish to just escape
Mooji reads a letter from someone who has recently lost their partner, and is experiencing feelings of grief and a wish to just escape...
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