Relax You’re Going to Die
If you want full aliveness
which is presence and deep peace
which is acceptance of your living and dying
within the very big cosmic living and dying
Then take a fresh spring breath
and exhale whatever you are holding on to
in your body emotions mind spirit
and die into this precise moment
Fighting death is fighting life
if you have ever been trout fishing
you know that a fish on a hook won’t relax
how could he know about catch and release
which is what the universe is
always doing with your life
There is only one mantra
one string of sacred words
that makes any sense
which will relieve you
of the sleepless nights
locked jaws addictive habits
anxious days depressed emotions
beating yourself up
Living as if your life
isn’t the heartbeat of god
the breath of buddha
the prayer of allah
the blood of christ
the embodiment
of everything
you call holy
In still waters golden light
may you imbibe the gentle truth
Relax, you’re going to die.
From the collection of poems,
Image Karina Cukierman .